The Northern California Power Agency (NCPA) is a public Joint Powers Agency formed under California’s Joint Exercise of Powers Act (Cal Gov. Code §§ 6500 et. seq.), whose members include the cities of Alameda, Biggs, Gridley, Healdsburg, Lodi, Lompoc, Palo Alto, Redding, Roseville, Santa Clara, Shasta Lake and Ukiah, as well as the Bay Area Rapid Transit District, Port of Oakland, the Truckee Donner Public Utility District, and the Plumas-Sierra Rural Electric Cooperative.  NCPA was founded on the principle of environmental stewardship, and is a recognized national leader in the areas of energy efficiency, renewable generation, and carbon reduction. NCPA is overseen by knowledgeable leaders from member communities. These are locally elected or appointed officials who serve as the energy regulators in their cities, towns, and districts, and volunteer their time for NCPA governance.  Because these individuals live and work in close proximity to their consumers, and remain directly accountable for the utility service in their communities, they provide an extremely responsive and effective governing body.  Over the years, they have fostered a culture of innovation and charted a visionary course of technological innovation and environmental leadership. NCPA and its members have a long-standing commitment to provide California residents with an electricity supply that is reliable, affordable, and socially and environmentally responsible, and have a long tradition of investment in conservation projects. Together, NCPA members are doing their part to meet the energy and environmental needs of their communities as well as those of the State of California.


James "Bo" Sheppard


City of Biggs

Mikey Hothi

(Vice Chair)

City of Lodi

David Hagele

City of Healdsburg

Sudhanshu "Suds" Jain

City of Santa Clara

Christina McKenna

City of Alameda

Pauline Roccucci

City of Roseville


Randy S. Howard

General Manager

Jane Luckhardt

General Counsel

Jane Cirrincione

Assistant General Manager, Legislative & Regulatory Affairs

Tony Zimmer

Assistant General Manager, Power Management

Michael DeBortoli

Assistant General Manager, Generation Services

Monty Hanks

CFO/Assistant General Manager, Finance & Administrative Services

Carrie Pollo

Executive Assistant & Assistant Secretary to the Commission

