
Item No: 00Description: Special joint Facilities and Finance Committee meeting agenda


Item No: 00Description: Meeting agenda

Item No: 02Description: November 12, 2024 draft finance committee meeting minutes

Item No: 02Description: January 9, 2025 draft special finance committee meeting minutes

Item No: 04Description: Debt and Interest Rate Mgmt Report as of December 31, 2024

Item No: 05Description: PPT for CT2 Repower Project Reimbursement Resolution

Item No: 05Description: Draft staff report and resolution


Item No: 00Description: Meeting agenda


Item No: 00Description: Meeting agenda

Item No: 02Description: October 15, 2024 draft finance committee meeting minutes

Item No: 03Description: Current financial market conditions report

Item No: 04Description: Presentation delegating investment authority to the Treasurer-Controller for CY25

Item No: 04Description: Draft Staff Report and Reso seeking Commission approval of delgating investment duties to the Treasurer-Controller for CY2025

Item No: 05Description: Presentation of Decommissioning Reserve Policy recap to Finance Committee - recommended for approval.

Item No: 05Description: Recommending Commission approval of the Decommissioning Reserves Policy


Item No: 00Description: Meeting agenda

Item No: 02Description: August 6, 2024 draft finance committee meeting minutes

Item No: 03Description: FY24 Baker Tilly Audit Results Presentation - Finance

Item No: 03Description: Overview of FY24 Financial Statements

Item No: 04Description: SR for Commission Approval PFM MTSCA for Municipal Financial Advisory Services.

Item No: 04Description: Enabling 5 yr term for financial advisor consulting services. For use by Members/SCPPA.

Item No: 05Description: proposed Finance Committee meeting dates for 2025

Item No: 06Description: Presentation of Decommissioning Reserve Policy to Finance Committee - informational.

Item No: 06Description: Decommissioning Reserves Policy - 2 informational presentation.


Item No: 00Description: Meeting agenda

Item No: 02Description: May 7, 2024 draft finance committee meeting minutes

Item No: 03Description: Market conditions update

Item No: 04Description: Debt and Interest Rate Mgmt Report as of June 30, 2024

Item No: 05Description: PPT for appointment to the Finance Committee


Item No: 00Description: Meeting agenda

Item No: 02Description: February 13, 2024 draft finance committee meeting minutes

Item No: 03Description: PFM's report on current financial market conditions or issues

Item No: 04Description: Presentation requesting authorization to proceed forward with a prepayment of the Geysers PPA

Item No: 05Description: CY 2024 Investment Policy Update Presentation

Item No: 05Description: Proposed changes to the NCPA Investment Policy and Guidelines

Item No: 06Description: Discussion to Finance Committee to seek feedback for creating a standalone Decommissioning Reserve Policy


Item No: 00Description: Meeting Agenda

Item No: 02Description: Market Conditions update

Item No: 03Description: Recommending approval to explore the merits and risks of a prepayment bond transaction regarding the Geysers Power Purchase Agreement

Item No: 03Description: Draft Commission Staff Report

Item No: 04Description: Staff will present the Debt and Interest Rate Management Report for the period ending 12.31.2023

Item No: 05Description: Appointment of a new Finance Committee member


Item No: 00Description: Meeting agenda

Item No: 02Description: Draft meeting minutes

Item No: 02Description: Draft meeting minutes

Item No: 03Description: PFM market conditions update

Item No: 04Description: Recommendation to delegate investment duties to the Treasurer-Controller for CY2024

Item No: 05Description: Geysers PPA prepay opportunity


Item No: 00Description: October 2023 Finance Committee Meeting Agenda

Item No: 03Description: NCPA Audited Financials


Item No: 00Description: Meeting agenda

Item No: 02Description: May 9, 2023 draft finance committee meeting minutes

Item No: 03Description: Monthly report on current financial market conditions or issues

Item No: 04Description: Debt and Interest Rate Mgmt Report as of June 30, 2023

Item No: 05Description: NCPA Member Report Card ending June 30, 2022

Item No: 06Description: Discussion of proposed change to include Finance Committee w/ Facilities Committee for budget reviews


Item No: 00Description: Meeting agenda

Item No: 02Description: February 7, 2023 draft finance committee meeting minutes

Item No: 03Description: Monthly report on current financial market conditions or issues

Item No: 04Description: Proposed updated NCPA Investment Policy and Guidelines

Item No: 05Description: Updated Debt & Interest Rate Management Policy for review and approval


Item No: 00Description: Meeting agenda

Item No: 02Description: November 15, 2022 draft finance committee meeting minutes

Item No: 03Description: Report on current financial market conditions or issues

Item No: 04Description: Debt and Interest Rate Mgmt Report as of December 31, 2022

Item No: 06Description: Debt and Interest Rate Management Policy - May 2019 version

Item No: 06Description: Discussion to Finance Committee on our approach to revise NCPA's Debt Policy


Item No: 00Description: November 15 Finance Committee Meeting agenda

Item No: 02Description: Approve minutes from the August 9, September 15, October 11 Finance Committee Meetings

Item No: 02Description: Approve minutes from the August 9, September 15, October 11 Finance Committee Meetings

Item No: 02Description: Approve minutes from the August 9, September 15, October 11 Finance Committee Meetings

Item No: 04Description: PFM will provide the Committee with an update on banking proposals, current financial market conditions and rating agency issues.

Item No: 06Description: In accordance with Government Code 53607, staff recommends delegation of authority to the Treasurer-Controller for investment duties.

Item No: 07Description: present and accept 2023 Finance Committee meeting calendar


Item No: 00Description: October 11, 2022 Meeting Agenda

Item No: 02Description: Annual audited financials

Item No: 02Description: Annual audited financials overview

Item No: 03Description: Pension OPEB Update


Item No: 00Description: Special Meeting agenda

Item No: 02Description: Presentation developed by UFS


Item No: 00Description: Meeting agenda

Item No: 02Description: Seeking approval of the May 10, 2022 Finance Committee meeting

Item No: 03Description: PFM will provide the Committee with an update on the status of the current financial market conditions

Item No: 04Description: Staff will present the Debt and Interest Rate Management Report for the period ending 6-30-2022.

Item No: 04Description: Staff will present the Debt and Interest Rate Management Report for the period ending 6-30-2022.


Item No: 00Description: Meeting agenda

Item No: 02Description: Approve minutes from the February 8, 2022 meeting

Item No: 03Description: PFM will provide the Committee with an update on banking proposals, current financial market conditions and rating agency issues.

Item No: 04Description: CY2022 Investment Policy Update Presentation

Item No: 04Description: Redlined version of the Investment Policy and Guidelines


Item No: 00Description: February 2022 Meeting agenda

Item No: 02Description: October 12, 2021 Finance Committee Meeting Minutes

Item No: 02Description: November 16 Finance Committee meeting minutes

Item No: 03Description: Current market conditions report

Item No: 04Description: Bi-Annual Debt and Interest Rate management report

Item No: 04Description: Bi-Annual Debt and Interest Rate management report

Item No: 05Description: Approval of Hydro bond refunding

Item No: 05Description: Approval of Hydro bond refunding

Item No: 05Description: Approval of Hydro bond refunding

Item No: 05Description: Approval of Hydro bond refunding

Item No: 05Description: Approval of Hydro bond refunding

Item No: 05Description: Approval of Hydro bond refunding

Item No: 05Description: Approval of Hydro bond refunding

Item No: 05Description: Approval of Hydro bond refunding

Item No: 05Description: Approval of Hydro bond refunding

Item No: 05Description: Approval of Hydro bond refunding

Item No: 06Description: Investment policy guidelines redline version

Item No: 06Description: Clean version of the proposed changes to the Investment Policy Guidelines


Item No: 00Description: Meeting agenda

Item No: 02Description: Approve minutes from the August 10 and October 12, 2021 Finance Committee Meetings

Item No: 03Description: PFM will provide the Committee with an update on banking proposals, current financial market conditions and rating agency issues.

Item No: 04Description: PFM will provide the Committe with an overview of NCPA's debt portfolio

Item No: 05Description: Present and discuss the results of the underwriter proposals received in preparation of the Hydroelectric Series 2012A bonds. Staff will seek Committee approval to move forward with the recommended underwriter

Item No: 06Description: Staff will provide a review of the Agency's investment portfolio and it's performance related to minimizing risk and optimizing income


Item No: 00Description: Meeting agenda

Item No: 02Description: NCPA's Audit for period ending June 30, 2021

Item No: 02Description: Financial statement overview

Item No: 02Description: NCPA Financial Statements

Item No: 03Description: Draft 2022 Committee Meeting Calendar

Item No: 04Description: seeking direction to move forward with issuing RFPs for Underwriting Services in connection with the Hydro bond


Item No: 00Description: August 10th Meeting agenda


Item No: 00Description: Meeting agenda

Item No: 02Description: February 9, 2021 draft meeting minutes


Item No: 00Description: Meeting agenda

Item No: 02Description: Seeking approval of the November 10, 2020 Finance Committee meeting minutes


Item No: 00Description: Meeting agenda

Item No: 02Description: Approve minutes from the August 11, September 2, and October 13 Finance Committee Meetings

Item No: 02Description: Approve minutes from the August 11, September 2, and October 13 Finance Committee Meetings

Item No: 02Description: Approve minutes from the August 11, September 2, and October 13 Finance Committee Meetings


Item No: 00Description: Meeting agenda


Item No: 00Description: Special meeting agenda


Item No: 00Description: August 11th Meeting agenda

Item No: 02Description: Approve minutes from the May 12th Finance Committee Meeting

Item No: 03Description: PFM will provide the Committee with an update on banking proposals, current financial market conditions and rating agency issues.

Item No: 04Description: Staff to provide the Debt and Interest Rate Management Report for the period ending June 30, 2020

Item No: 05Description: Recommend Commission approval to use available excess 2009A Geothermal debt reserve fund monies to cover any FY2020 annual settlement shortfall related to the Geo project


Item No: 00Description: May 12th Meeting agenda

Item No: 02Description: Approve minutes from the February 11th Finance Committee Meetings

Item No: 02Description: Approve minutes from the February 25th Finance Committee Meetings


Item No: 00Description: Meeting agenda


Item No: 00Description: February 2020 Meeting agenda

Item No: 03Description: Approve minutes from the November 12, 2019 .Finance Committee Meeting


Item No: 00Description: November 12, 2019 Finance Committee meeting agenda


Item No: 00Description: October 8th Finance Committee Agenda

Item No: 03Description: Baker Tilly presentation of the June 30, 2019 audited financial statements and related reports

Item No: 03Description: Baker Tilly presentation of the June 30, 2019 audited financial statements and related reports


Item No: 00Description: August 13, 2019 Meeting agenda

Item No: 03Description: Approve minutes from the May 7, 2019 Finance Committee Meeting

Item No: 04Description: PFM will provide the Committee with an update on banking proposals, current financial market conditions and rating agency issues.

Item No: 05Description: Staff will present the Debt and Interest Rate Management Report for the period ending 6/30/2019


Item No: 00Description: May 7, 2019 Finance Committee Agenda

Item No: 03Description: Feb 12 draft finance committee meeting minutes

Item No: 04Description: PFM will provide the Committe with an update on banking proposals, current financial market conditions and rating agency issues.


Item No: 00Description: February 12, 2019 Finance Committee agenda

Item No: 03Description: Seeking approval of the November 13, 2018 Meeting Minutes


Item No: 00Description: Finance Committee Agenda

Item No: 03Description: Seeking approval of the minutes from the August 14th and October 9th meetings

Item No: 03Description: Seeking approval of the minutes from the August 14th and October 9th meetings

Item No: 04Description: PFM will provide the Committee with an update on banking proposals, current financial market conditions, and rating agency issues.

Item No: 05Description: PFM will provide the Committee with an overview of NCPA's debt portfolio

Item No: 08Description: Staff will present the Investment Policy and Guidelines - Policy 200-100 for annual review. Staff recommends no changes to the approved Investment Policy at this time. Staff is also seeking a recommendation to approve the annual delegation of authority to the Treasurer-Controller of investment duties as required by Government Code.

Item No: 08Description: Staff will present the Investment Policy and Guidelines - Policy 200-100 for annual review. Staff recommends no changes to the approved Investment Policy at this time. Staff is also seeking a recommendation to approve the annual delegation of authority to the Treasurer-Controller of investment duties as required by Government Code.

Item No: 09Description: Staff will present and seek acceptance of the 2019 Finance Committee meeting calendar.


Item No: 00Description: Special Finance Committee Meeting Agenda

Item No: 03Description: Draft of the Audited NCPA Financials for years ended June 30, 2018 and 2017. Subject to final auditor review with only non-substantive changes


Item No: 00Description: Finance Committee Agenda

Item No: 03Description: may 8 draft finance committee meeting minutes

Item No: 05Description: Bi-annual Debt and Interest Rate Report for period ending 6/30/2018

Item No: 05Description: Bi-annual Debt and Interest Rate Report ending 6/30/2018

Item No: 07Description: Update with recommendation to affirm 15 year accelerated funding of ADC and 100% funding of annual required contribution

Item No: 09Description: audit planning letter


Item No: 00Description: May 8, 2018 Finance Committee Agenda

Item No: 03Description: Feb 13, 2018 Draft meeting minutes submitted for approval at the May 8th Finance Committee meeting


Item No: 00Description: Feb 13 Finance Committee Meeting Agenda

Item No: 03Description: Draft minutes from the November 8th Finance Committee presented for approval

Item No: 04Description: PFM's monthly report regarding current market conditions or issues as well as NCPA's debt portfolio Presentation covers Agenda items 4 and 5

Item No: 06Description: Update with recommendation to affirm 15 year accelerated funding of UAL and 100% funding of annual required contribution

Item No: 07Description: Staff will provide the semi-annual Debt and Interest Rate Management Report dated December 31, 2017 and seek a recommendation of approval

Item No: 08Description: Overview of Playbook objectives and development

Item No: 09Description: Seeking a recommendation of Commission approval authorizing the issuance of up to $80m Hydro Project No. 1 Revenue Bonds - 2018 Refunding Series A (tax exempt) and $4m Taxable Refunding Series B

Item No: 09Description: Seeking a recommendation of Commission approval authorizing the issuance of up to $80m Hydro Project No. 1 Revenue Bonds - 2018 Refunding Series A (tax exempt) and $4m Taxable Refunding Series B


Item No: 00Description: Special Finance Committee meeting agenda

Item No: 03Description: Copy of Commission Staff Report seeking approval of the issuance of up to $40 million Fixed Rate LEC Revenue Refunding Bonds Issue 1 Series A


Item No: 00Description: Finance Committee Agenda

Item No: 03Description: Draft meeting minutes for August 9th, September 18th and October 17th Finance Committee meetings

Item No: 05Description: PFM presentation reporting on current financial market conditions, NCPA's debt portfolio and the underwriter RFP results

Item No: 07Description: Seeking a recommendation to approve delegation of investment duties to the Treasurer-Controller

Item No: 08Description: 2018 Committee Meeting calendar including Finance Committee meetings


Item No: 00Description: Meeting notice and agenda for October 17th Special Finance Committee meeting

Item No: 00Description: Approved meeting minutes

Item No: 03Description: Baker Tilly will present FY2017 Audit Findings


Item No: 00Description: September 18 Special Finance Committee meeting notice and agenda

Item No: 00Description: Approved meeting minutes

Item No: 03Description: Draft Staff Report and Resolution for NCPA Financial Advisor Services

Item No: 04Description: Staff is seeking a recommendation to approve the Finance Committee Charter

Item No: 05Description: Staff is seeking a recommendation to approve the Banking Services Agreement with US Bank NA

Item No: 06Description: Letter from Baker Tilly to the Finance Committee members regarding the firm's audit plan. Committee members will be asked to review and acknowledge their acceptance.


Item No: 00Description: Finance Committee Agenda

Item No: 00Description: Approved meeting minutes

Item No: 04Description: PFM's report to the Committee with an update on banking proposals, current financial market conditions and rating agency issues.

Item No: 04Description: Report on historical bond yield forecasts provided by PFM

Item No: 05Description: Staff will present the Debt and Interest Rate Management Report for the period ending June 30, 2017

Item No: 06Description: Staff will present and seek approval of the amendments to the NCPA Investment Policy and Guidelines Includes the Draft Staff Report, Resolution, redline and clean versions of the Policy

Item No: 06Description: Presentation for NCPA Investment Policy Amendments

Item No: 07Description: Staff will present and seek a recommendation to approve a Finance Committee Charter Includes draft Staff Report, Resolution and Charter

Item No: 07Description: Presentation for approval of a Finance Committee Charter

Item No: 08Description: Staff is seeking a recommendation to approve the appointment of David Hagele, Council member for the City of Healdsburg, as a member and Chairperson of the Finance Committee.


Item No: 00Description: Finance Committee Agenda

Item No: 00Description: Approved meeting minutes

Item No: 04Description: PFM's report to the May 10th Finance Committe on the current financial market conditions or issues and NCPA's debt portfolio

Item No: 06Description: Draft Staff Report, Resolution and Updated policy presented to Finance Committee for a recommendation of Commission approval

Item No: 07Description: Seeking a recommendation for Commission approval of the First Amendment to Consulting Services Agreement with PFM

Item No: 08Description: Presentation regarding the audit services RFP process and recommendation to award contract

Item No: 08Description: Draft Staff Report, Resolution and Agreement recommending award of Audit Service Provider


Item No: 00Description: Special Finance Committee meeting agenda

Item No: 00Description: Approved meeting minutes

Item No: 04Description: This is a Long Term Funding Plan recommending Committee recommendation for Commission Approval

Item No: 04Description: Review of the Long-Term Funding Plan for NCPA Pension Plan


Item No: 00Description: Finance Committee Agenda for the February 8, 2017 Finance Committee meeting

Item No: 00Description: Approved meeting minutes

Item No: 04Description: Debt and Interest Rate Report

Item No: 04Description: Draft Staff Report for the December 31, 2016 Debt & Interest Rate Management Report

Item No: 05Description: Presentation provided by PFM updating on banking proposals, current financial market conditions and rating agency issues. Updated on 2/6/17 to include RBC Capital Markets presentation in appendix


Item No: 00Description: Special Finance Committee meeting agenda

Item No: 00Description: January 9 2017 draft special meeting minutes

Item No: 04Description: Draft Staff Report, Reso, and attachment for recommended Long-Term Pension Funding Plan


Item No: 00Description: November 2016 Finance Committee meeting notice and agenda

Item No: 00Description: 11-09-16 Finance Committee Meeting minutes


Item No: 00Description: October 19th Special Finance Committee meeting notice and agenda

Item No: 00Description: Oct 19, 2016 special meeting minutes

Item No: 03Description: Moss Adams Presentation on FY 2016 Audit

Item No: 04Description: Draft Staff Report regarding the 16th supplemental Indenture for Geothermal Bonds


Item No: 00Description: September 14th Special meeting notice and agenda

Item No: 00Description: Sept 14, 2016 special meeting minutes

Item No: 05Description: Draft Staff report, resolution and supporting documents

Item No: 06Description: Draft Staff report and supporting document


Item No: 00Description: August 10 Finance Committee Meeting notice and agenda

Item No: 00Description: August 10, 2016 meeting minutes

Item No: 05Description: PFM Presentation to Finance Committee for August Meeting


Item No: 00Description: July 12 Special Finance Committee meeting notice and agenda

Item No: 00Description: July 12 Special Finance Committee meeting minutes

Item No: 04Description: PFM reports and summaries of responses received related to the Direct Purchase RFP


Item No: 00Description: May 11 Finance Committee meeting notice and agenda

Item No: 00Description: May 11 Finance Committee meeting minutes

Item No: 04Description: Long Term Funding plan for NCPA Retiree Medical Plan

Item No: 05Description: Rating Agency Presentation

Item No: 07Description: PFM Report on current financial market conditions


Item No: 00Description: March 11 Special Finance Committee meeting notice and agenda

Item No: 00Description: March 11 Special Finance Committee meeting minutes


Item No: 00Description: February 10 Finance Committee meeting notice and agenda

Item No: 00Description: February Finance Committee meeting minutes

Item No: 04Description: Debt and Interest Rate management report

Item No: 05Description: Presentation regarding Post Employment Benefits long term funding plan

Item No: 06Description: PFM presentation on current financial market conditions

Item No: 08Description: Staff Report for Finance Committee re: Selection of Auditor for FY 2016 audit


Item No: 00Description: November 10 Finance Committee meeting notice and agenda

Item No: 00Description: November meeting minutes

Item No: 04Description: 2016 Finance Committee meeting calendar

Item No: 05Description: FY 2015 Draft Financials

Item No: 05Description: Presentation provided by Moss Adams regarding FY15 Audited Financials

Item No: 06Description: OPEB Actuarial Report

Item No: 06Description: Retiree Medical FY15 Actuarial Presentation

Item No: 07Description: Review of Investment Policy Draft Staff Report, Resolution and supporting document

Item No: 08Description: Presentation provided by PFM regarding the current financial market conditions


Item No: 00Description: August 2015 Finance Committee meeting notice and agenda

Item No: 01Description: Finance Committee Meeting minutes 08-12-15

Item No: 04Description: Moss Adams Presentation August 2015

Item No: 05Description: Debt and Interest Rate Management Report June 30, 2015

Item No: 05Description: Debt Rate Management Report Staff Report

Item No: 06Description: PFM Presentation August 2015


Item No: 00Description: Finance Committee agenda

Item No: 00Description: Finance Committee Meeting minutes 05-13-15

Item No: 04Description: Debt & Interest Rate Management Policy 2015

Item No: 05Description: PFM Presentation May 15


Item No: 00Description: Finance Committee agenda

Item No: 00Description: 02-11-15 Finance Committee Meeting minutes

Item No: 04Description: Debt & Interest Rate Management Report 12-31-14

Item No: 05Description: PFM Presentation 02-11-15


Item No: 00Description: 11-12-14 Finance Committee Agenda

Item No: 00Description: 11-12-14 Finance Committee Meeting minutes

Item No: 04Description: Investment_Policy_Guidelines

Item No: 05Description: 2015 Finance Committee Meeting Calendar

Item No: 06Description: PFM Presentation


Item No: 00Description: 10-27-2014 Special Finance Committee Meeting Notice and Agenda

Item No: 03Description: 10-27-14 Special Finance Committee meeting Minutes

Item No: 04Description: FY14 Draft Financials

Item No: 04Description: Moss Adams Presentation


Item No: 00Description: 10-06-14 Finance Committee Special Agenda

Item No: 00Description: 10-06-14 Finance Committee Special Minutes

Item No: 04Description: 10-06-14 PFM presentation


Item No: 00Description: 08-13-14 Finance Committee Agenda

Item No: 00Description: 08-13-14 Finance Committee Minutes

Item No: 04Description: 08-13-14 Moss Adams Presentation


Item No: 00Description: 07-16-2014 Special Finance Committee Agenda

Item No: 00Description: Special Finance Committee minutes 07-16-14


Item No: 00Description: 05-14-14 Finance CommitteeAgenda

Item No: 00Description: 05-14-2014 Finance Committee minutes

Item No: 06Description: PFM presentation


Item No: 00Description: 04-09-14 Finance Committee Agenda

Item No: 00Description: 04-09-14 Finance committe meeting Minutes

Item No: 06Description: 04-09-14 Finance Committee PFM Presentation


Item No: 00Description: 02-19-14 Finance Committee Agenda

Item No: 00Description: 02-19-14 Finance Committee Meeting Minutes

Item No: 04Description: Item 4 Debt Interest Rate Mgmt Rpt

Item No: 05Description: Item 5 staff report Selection of Auditor

Item No: 05Description: Item 5 Selection of Auditor staff Report

Item No: 06Description: Item 6 PFM presentation
