Owned jointly by six public power joint powers authorities, Hometown Connections, Inc. (HCI) is a non-profit utility services organization offering public power utilities guidance and access to quality products and services from a trusted entity with public power’s best interests in mind. In 2018, the Northern California Power Agency, Alabama Municipal Electric Authority, American Municipal Power, Inc., Missouri Public Utility Alliance, and Vermont Public Power Supply Authority purchased the majority of the assets for Hometown Connections International, a subsidiary of the American Public Power Association. In 2019, Great Lakes Utilities became the sixth joint action agency to invest in HCI. NCPA’s General Manager Randy Howard currently serves as Chair of the HCI Board. 

HCI is a resource to public power systems large and small, facilitating access to technology, services, and other solutions from industry-leading companies. The products and services offered through Hometown Connections include a full range of advanced grid solutions, as well as consulting support in the areas of organization assessment, strategic planning, governance development, customer service, market research, and staffing.

For more details on the products and services available via HCI, visit http://www.hometownconnections.com/ .
